ISPIM Innovation
ISPIM - the International Society for Professional Innovation Management - is a community of members from research, industry, consulting and the public sector, all sharing a passion for innovation management - how to successfully create new products, processes and services from ideas to stimulate economic growth and well-being. Formed in Norway in 1983, ISPIM is the oldest, largest and most active truly global innovation network.
ISPIM Innovation
DISBURSED, COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH WITH 47 AUTHORS: The Open Innovation in Science research field: a collaborative conceptualisation
This paper proposes a unifying Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Research Framework, which captures the antecedents, contingencies, and consequences of open and collaborative practices along the entire process of generating and disseminating scientific insights and translating them into innovation. To conceptualise the framework, we employed a collaborative approach involving 47 scholars from multiple disciplines, highlighting both tensions and commonalities between existing approaches. The OIS Research Framework thus serves as a basis for future research, informs policy discussions, and provides guidance to scientists and practitioners.